choreography and interpretation Aldo Rendina and Federica Tardito
direction and music Bruno Franceschini
direction and music Bruno Franceschini
light design Lucia Manghi
sceneries Aldo Rendina e Cristiana Daneo
costumes Roberta Vacchetta
co-production compagnia tardito/rendina (Torino) Associazione Sosta Palmizi (Cortona) Bruno Franceschini (Berlino)
supported by Regione Piemonte Fondazione Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani Onlus – Torino Centro Servizi Culturali S. Chiara – Y Generation Festival – Trento KOMM TANZ, progetto residenze Compagnia Abbondanza/Bertoni in collaboration with Comune of Rovereto production 2017
anno di produzione productions 2017
length about 35 minutes

Two shaded characters, with poetic features, sometimes clownish, following the evocative sound of a carillon, accompany us on a musical and associative journey on footsteps of time.
We see them play with simple spells, minute dances, the unusual birth of a ower.They chase and meet, sometimes just in time sometimes out of time, because time, is known, is not a single thing.
oh time oh time
tic and tac tic and tac
time is never known, who knows what will be between cra cra time comes and goes and will never stop ssshhhhhh
the morning sun marries in the garden
the autumn with the leaves, then the winter takes them away eh eh eh green is spring the summer then comes true
the morning overlooks tina tina tì
and when it is evening the moon becomes a sphere
time … and one and two and three
magic …
Direction notes
What is time? A first glance innocuous question, but boasting pages and pages of philosophical elucubrations. It is difficult to give a shared definition. Surely time has to do with movement, whether it is its attribute or its derivation, and without the movement there would be neither time nor dance. For this reason – and for the countless ideas associations that it springs – we have decided to use this theme as a research area and as a means between the world of adults and early childhood.
Children are, first and foremost, inhabitant of the present. They move within a situation and explore the possibilities. They still do not know time, its promises and its injustices. We adults, however, know it too well, while it marks the rhythms, sometimes tragic, sometimes comic, of our everyday life. Two distant and strange worlds, poles apart. A perfect prerequisite for getting to know each other and to learn from each other.
Time is around us, we are inside it, we cannot separate from it or even get rid of it, but if in the meantime, eager to entertain myself with a magic, I would allow me the luxury of losing time, would it be a fooling time?
I leave the accuracy of the second to the working time, if the gap is for a playful mumble, I swing to fall in a suspended time, if I chase time it doesn’t take me neither forwards neither backwards, but to watch the world from within a pause.
Do we know how to raise a flower without a sead, without soil, without water or even with little time? If we knew how to do it, it would be magic.
“… precious show, built with grace and poetry by the Turin couple tardito/rendina. “Time” evoked on stage does not coincide much with the passing of days and seasons but more with the one that draws the rhythm of individual daily actions. The rhythmic and regular time of music that naturally accompanies the existence of the two characters who, gracefully and frankly, move slowly on stage, implicitly inviting viewers – and not just the smallest ones, although the show is intended for an audience from two years on – to listen to themselves, so to track down the “time” of their daily movements, and, if it is syncopated or disarming, then reconciling it again, perhaps following that very precise metronome that is our heart …”
Laura Bevione /
Places where Tempo has played
12 May 2024 Tempo Casa del Sole ArciRagazzi - Verdecoprente Umbria Fest / Amelia (TR)
11 May 2024 Tempo Sala polivalente - Verdecoprente Umbria Fest / Attigliano (TR)
27 June 2021 Tempo Cortile del Teatro Europa - Stagione Ragazzi 20|21 / Parma
31 July 2020 Tempo Boschetto della musica - Le meraviglie sul far della sera, PdV / Reggia di Venaria (TO)
05 > 06 February 2020 Tempo Associazione Culturale l'Ottagono - ERT FVG, Teatro e scuola 2019/2020 / Codroipo (UD)
10 March 2019 Tempo Opificiodellarte / Biella
19 February 2019 Tempo Teatro Herberia - Teatro Ragazzi / Corte Ospitale / Rubiera (MO)
15 February 2019 Tempo Nuovo Cinema Teatro Italia - Arti Vive Habitat / Soliera (MO)
07 October 2018 Tempo Teatro Bertagnolio - Morenica Festival / Chiaverano (TO)
16 April 2018 Tempo Teatro Pietro Aretino - Altre Danze / Sosta Palmizi / Arezzo
15 April 2018 Tempo Teatro Pietro Aretino - Altre Danze / Sosta Palmizi / Arezzo
05 > 07 March 2018 Tempo Teatro De Micheli / Comunale di Copparo (FE)
04 > 05 February 2018 Tempo Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani - Giocateatro / Torino
19 December 2017 Tempo Caffè della caduta / Torino
17 December 2017 Tempo Lo Studio - Piccolipalchi Paesaggi - Arearea / ERT / Udine
10 December 2017 Tempo + Spazio4 - Piccole Storie / Torino
18 April 2017 Tempo Casa del Teatro Ragazzi e Giovani - Debutto - Giocateatro / Torino
27 February 2017 Anteprima – Visioni di futuro, visioni di teatro / La Baracca – Teatro Testoni – Bologna